Volume 69, Issue 3 (30.09.2023)

Volume : 69
Issue : 3 (30.09.2023)
Authors : Ionela-Cătălina GUȚĂ, Elena-Cocuța BUCIUMEANU, Lorena-Marina CIRIPAN
Abstract : The grapevine production capacity and the products quality depend largely on the health of the cultivated plants. Of the pathogens affecting the grapevine culture, viruses cause significant damages. For this reason, it is extremely important to use diagnostic methods to identify the pathogens and to choose the correct method of plant protection. A reliable method for the routine diagnosis of many economically important grapevine viruses is Enzyme -Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA), a number of kits allowing the detection of different grapevine viral pathogens being commercially available. The increased incidence of Grapevine Pinot gris virus (GPGV) in plantations around the world and the availability of an ELISA kit, made it possible to identify this pathogen in Romania as well. The in-house validation of GPGV kit was necessary. The results showed that the most reliable type of tissue for analysis is the leaf petiole in the beginning of the growing season and the phloem tissue in the dormancy period. As the ELISA response decreased over the time both for aliquots of positive control of kit and positive plant storage samples, using the plant control is necessary, but carefully for the type of plant tissue and period of sampling.
For citation : Guță, I.C., Buciumeanu, E.C., Ciripan, L.M. (2023): ELISA diagnosis of Grapevine Pinot gris virus. Agriculture and Forestry, 69 (3): 35-44. doi:10.17707/AgricultForest.69.3.03
Keywords : GPGV, validation, cut-off, repeatability, reproducibility, robustness
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