Volume 68, Issue 3 (30.09.2022)

Volume : 68
Issue : 3 (30.09.2022)
Authors : Aida DERVISHI, Adriatik CAKALLI, Irisa MIHO, Adhurim LAZAJ, Belul GIXHARI
Abstract : Sweet cherry exhibits RNase based gametophytic self-incompatibility system which is controlled by a single multi-allelic locus S. The identification of the self-(in) compatibility genotypes facilitates orchard management and is important for future breeding programmes. However, to ensure an effective pollination and fruit set compatible cultivars should have overlapping flowering time. The PCR-based detection of S-alleles was carried out in seventeen commercial sweet cherry cultivars of foreign origin by using two consensus primers for the RNase gene and two specific primers for the confirmation of the S3 and S4 allele. Totally, eight different S-alleles in ten S locus combinations were detected. 35.3 % of cultivars were self-compatible, whereas 59 % were assigned into seven individual self-incompatibility groups. S-alleles distribution linked with flowering and fruit ripening time was also analyzed. Most S-alleles (7) were identified in the mid-early blooming cultivars where the most frequent were S3; S4 and S1. On the other hand, late blooming cherry cultivars had the S3S12 genotype, where the S12 allele was specific to these cultivars. The most frequent allele in the early fruit ripening cultivars was the allele S4. The S14 allele was specific of cultivars with medium fruit ripening time while the alleles S6 and S12 were detected only in the late fruit ripening cultivars. The synchronization of harvesting time within a commercial orchard would benefit to growers. Thus, identifying S genotype compatible cultivars, with the overlapping flowering and fruit ripening time would enable better orchard management.
For citation : Dervishi A., Cakalli, A., Miho, I., Lazaj, A., Gixhari, B. (2022). Identification of self incompatibility genotypes in sweet cherry commercial cultivars. Agriculture and Forestry, 68 (3): 83-91. doi:10.17707/AgricultForest.68.3.06
Keywords : S-alleles, Sweet cherry, Self-incompatibility, flowering time, Albania
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