Volume 65, Issue 4 (15.12.2019)

Volume : 65
Issue : 4 (15.12.2019)
Authors : Marina NACKA, Ana SIMONOVSKA,Goran SKATARIC, Branislav DUDIC
Abstract : Building a recognizable brand for the high-quality bottled wines is opportunity for the wineries to strengthen the international market position. This paper attempts to identify the opportunities to profit under competitive market condition of the Macedonian wineries. For this reason, we first interpret evidence on structural determinants of Macedonian wineries’ profitability, then we interpret evidence on the existing marketing strategies of the Macedonian wineries, and finally we present successful case study of a winery that have succeeded to create a recognized brand internationally. The results from this analysis suggest definition of a successful winery that exhibits increasing opportunities to profit under competitive market conditions. The defined winery may be used as a guideline to reinforce possibilities for Macedonian wineries to be able to follow future market signals, considering that they still struggle to adjust to the imposed market-oriented production.
For citation : Nacka, M., Simonovska, A., Skataric, G., Dudic, B. (2019): Opportunities to profit under competitive market conditions. Agriculture and Forestry, 65 (4): 161-174. DOI:10.17707/AgricultForest.65.4.14
Keywords : profitability strategy, marketing strategy, brand creation, competitive position.
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