Volume 63, Issue 4 (15.12.2017)

Volume : 63
Issue : 4 (15.12.2017)
Authors : Erika QUENDLER
Abstract : For ages, family farms have prevailed and are particular to Austria. Since work both on and off the farm and family life are combined, the role of women in agriculture is a complex one. They are mothers, wives, farm managers, partners, labourers, creators of their own branches and employed off farm. Analysing the roles of women in agriculture is more complicated than it may initially appear. Official agricultural statistics give a very limited image. Statistics on women are only available in connection with the ownership, the management and the labour force. Our knowledge of women in agriculture is largely derived from national studies and statistics as well as (periodic) surveys. With this in mind this paper aims to determine the roles performed by female farmers in agriculture according to their activities on and off the farm. Following a literature review, this paper covers an in-depth analysis of women’s roles in agriculture based on data from official statistics and select data from a survey done in 2016 throughout Austria. In this respect, this paper contributes to the gender debate in agriculture and to our knowledge of the role of women in agriculture. This paper re-affirms the essential role of women in agriculture and tries to give some suggestions on the need for further research and future perspectives.
For citation : Quendler E. (2017): Women‘s roles in Austrian agriculture. Agriculture and Forestry, 63 (4): 27-33. DOI:10.17707/AgricultForest.63.4.02
Keywords : Agriculture, roles, women, Austria.
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