Volume 63, Issue 1 (31.03.2017)

Volume : 63
Issue : 1 (31.03.2017)
Authors : Miomir JOVANOVIĆ, Miljan JOKSIMOVIĆ, Ljiljana KAŠĆELAN and Aleksandra DESPOTOVIĆ
Abstract : This paper examines the general attitude of consumers towards organic agriculture products. A polling questionnaire with questions on consumer attitudes on organic food based on Likert scale was used for the purpose of analysing the attitudinal structure of respondents. The results obtained were analysed and statistically processed using the descriptive statistics methods as well as SPSS program. The respondents’ attitude is that organic food implies no risk to human health. At the same time, consumers do not have a defined attitude on whether organic food production risks are higher than its benefits. The respondents are of the opinion that domestic organic food price is high and that it is more expensive than conventionally produced food. Furthermore, in opinion of 48.6% of respondents, imported organic food is cheaper than organic food from domestic producers. More than 50% of respondents are of the opinion that domestic producers do not have a wide range of organic products and 73.6% of respondents state that domestic producers do not produce sufficient quantities of organic food that would meet the demand of consumers. Although respondents agree that the supply of organic products is not sufficient, 81.4% are not ready to pay - in their view - high price of organic products. On average, consumers agree with the attitude that further promotion effort is needed as well as larger areas under organic farming (90% of consumers). With a high interest in consumption of products grown in line with organic farming principles, the number of respondents who fully agree that they would like to engage in organic food production is significant (41.4%).
For citation : Jovanović M., Joksimović M., Kašćelan Lj., Despotović A. (2017) Consumer attitudes to organic foods: Evidence from Montenegrin market, Agriculture and Forestry, 63 (1): 223-234. DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.63.1.26
Keywords : Preferences, Attitudes, Consumer, Organic foods, Likert-scale
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