Volume 62, Issue 4 (15.12.2016)

Volume : 62
Issue : 4 (15.12.2016)
Authors : Marta VUKOTIĆ LAZAR and Svetislav G. POPOVIĆ
Abstract : This paper is the outcome of the long-time experience in urban planning and architecture of Belgrade and consequently accomplished researches concerning the beginnings and development of the organized provision of Belgrade’s greenery. Urban planning in Europe takes a new course in the 19th century, conditioned with the sudden transformations in the economic and social structures of cities, impelling accelerated development of industries and transportation. Characteristics of urban planning of that time are reconstructions of the old city entities (reconstructions of the existent cities) and their sprawl (planning of the new cities), permanently marked the architecture of Serbia of that period. Induced by the abrupt and uncontrolled urbanization, the second half of the 19th century was characterized by the increased perception concerning the importance of environmental preservation and increased need to develop city greenery, parks, sports and children playgrounds, also of the development of forest parks and weekend getaways. Besides, induced with the modern planning from the end of the 19th century, urban legislation - subject matter of the research - has been developing and improving ever since. In that sense, along the lines of this Work, the attention was directed not only towards the changes taking place in the design of the space by interaction of natural and human factors - significant for understanding of human communities and organization of social life in general - but towards the lives of the pioneers of this profession, public activists and ‘hygienists’, as Maksimović (1974) called them – towards their tireless missionary work and persistence in their struggle for the revival of the old and in building of the new, healthier cities - Emilijan Josimović (Stara Moldava, 1823 – Soko Banja, 1897), first Serbian urban planner and Aleksandar Krstić (Kragujevac, 1902 – Beograd, 1980), horticulture engineer and the first Serbian garden designer. The first worked in the second half of the 19th century, and the second between the two world wars and after the Second World War. Time limit of the research period is between the years 1867 and 1941
For citation : Vukotic Lazar M.,Popovic S. (2016): Organized provision of greenery in Belgrade in order to upgrade the quality of life within the city. Agriculture and Forestry, 62 (4): 253-266. DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.62.4.26
Keywords : urban planning, horticulture, sustainable development, heritage, Emilijan Josimović, Aleksandar Krstić
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