Volume 62, Issue 4 (15.12.2016)

Volume : 62
Issue : 4 (15.12.2016)
Authors : Le Hoang PHAM, Michael BÖHME, Ina Pinker
Abstract : Solanaceae plays an important role in providing food, vegetables, spices, medicine, and ornamentals in Vietnam. However, solanaceous genetic resources are facing serious threats of erosion and eradication. Our objective is to give a survey on the diversity as well as an evaluation of the role of solanaceous indigenous plants in the local communities to identify the current status and its importance for conservation and sustainable utilization in the future. The data comes from a survey and a collection in central Vietnam as well as herbarium specimens from the collections of Solanaceae in Vietnam. An analysis of these specimens and the result from the survey show that Solanaceae in Vietnam includes 15 genera with 63 species. Besides, there are 6 species belonging to 5 genera being in question regarding the taxonomy. Three genera, Solanum (31 species), Lycianthes (7 species) and Physalis (5 species) represent 68% of the total number of species. Among the 63 recorded species, there are 29 wild species, 22 cultivated species and 12 species being wild and cultivated. 6 species are used as fruits, 41 species as medicine, 16 species as ornamentals, 4 species as spices and 22 species as vegetables. The indigenous solanaceous plants include 24 species belonging to three genera: Lycianthes (7 species), Solanum (13 species) and Tubocapsicum (1 species). The indigenous solanaceous species in Vietnam are mostly wild species, among them there are three endemic species as Lycianthes baviensis V. V. Hop, Solanum robinsonii Bonati and Solanum thorelii Bonati.
For citation : Pham H., Böhme M., Pinker I.(2016): Solanaceae diversity in Vietnam: a preliminary taxonomic inventory for conservation and utilization. Agriculture and Forestry, 62 (4):44-55. DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.62.4.06
Keywords : Solanaceae, diversity, genetic resource, species richness, Vietnam
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