Volume 62, Issue 3 (30.09.2016)

Volume : 62
Issue : 3 (30.09.2016)
Authors : Mykola M.KHARYTONOV, Valentina T.PASHOVA, Maria O.BAGORKA, Vladymyr KOZECHKO
Abstract : The research of quantitative and qualitative composition of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and soil enzymes activity in arable soils on the slopes and watersheds was performed. Soil erosion is considered as a result of a complex interaction of natural and agricultural factors. Among the main ones are the natural terrain, erosion resistance, vegetation soil-protective role, climatic and meteorological conditions that determine the rainfall, nature of soil freezing, the size and intensity of surface runoff snowmelt and rainwater. An intensity of erosion processes depends on the slopes characteristics, their steepness, shape, length, exposure. These factors different combinations give specificity of soil profile forming in slopes, generally similar, but not identical with soils of the neighbouring northward and southward latitudes. The experiments reported here compare soils from three types of landscapes: level soils (0-1% slope) with no observable erosion (E0), mildly sloped soils (1-3%) with mild erosion (E1, 0-10 cm topsoil loss), and moderately sloped soils (5-7%) with moderate erosion (E2, up to 30 cm topsoil loss). The content of available forms nitrogen assimilation varies depending on the soil erosion degree. Urease activity decreases significantly with the depth, especially at E2 soils. The reduction of digestible phosphorus under the erosion impact was fixed two times in the slope of the southern exposure, in comparison with plain soil. The data obtained indicate the phosphatase activity decrease under the influence of flushing by 37 – 83 %. The decrease of potassium level in the slopes of the northern and the southern exposition reaches 1.5 and 2.5 times accordingly. A larger value of the ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus in the underlying eroded soils layers in the two test crops is associated with a much greater adaptive potential of peas comparative to the barley.
For citation : Kharytonov,M., M., Pashova, T., V.,Bagorka,O.,M., Kozechko, V. (2016): Nutrition regimes of eroded lands in the northern steppe zone of Ukraine. Agriculture and Forestry, 62 (3): 175-185. DOI:10.17707/AgricultForest.62.3.15
Keywords : soil, erosion, nutrients, uptake, biological activity.
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