Volume 62, Issue 1 (31.03.2016)

Volume : 62
Issue : 1 (31.03.2016)
Authors : Viktoria LOVINSKA, Svitlana SYTNYK, Mykola KHARYTONOV, Irina LOZA
Abstract : The article is devoted to distribution of Pinus sylvestris stands areas within North Steppe on the basic of forestry biometric indexes. The research objective was analysis of current state of Pinus sylvestris stands within Dnieper North Steppe on the main silvicultural and forest inventory parameters. The forest stands within Steppe zone are formed under conditions extremely unfavorable for arboreal plants growth. Occupying a very wide area, Pinus sylvestris has a large number of ecological forms, and it is both tolerant to low and high temperatures, it is winter-hardy and low-demanding to soil fertility and moisture. It was noted the irregular age structure in pine plantations under regional condition. Area of Pinus sylvestris stands within North Dnieper Steppe is 21472 ha with the total growing stock 45711 m3∙ha-1. According to age structure, majority of the stands from Pinus sylvestris were middle-aged within the studied region, with the greatest representation in the IV-VI age classes. Pinus sylvestris distribution by structure rate showed significant dominance of pure stands. Pinus sylvestris It was established the prevailing types of site forest conditions on the basis of the edaphic factors (soil fertility and humidity). Pinus sylvestris forests mainly formed under pine mixed forest site type, in dry and mesic hygrotopes. The largest area of the analyzed species was occupied by stands of II and above forest capacity classes. The obtained results show predominance of high-productive pine stands within studied area. It was found that the maximum area of pine stands have high relative density.
For citation : Lovinska, V., Sytnyk, S., Kharytonov, M., Loza, I. (2016): Features of pine stands function in Dnieper North Steppe, Ukraine. Agriculture and Forestry, 62 (1): 155-163. DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.62.1.18
Keywords : forest fund, Pinus sylvestris, growing stock, indexes of forest biometrics
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