Volume 62, Issue 1 (31.03.2016)

Volume : 62
Issue : 1 (31.03.2016)
Authors : Roberto CAPONE, Hamid El BILALI, Philipp DEBS, Francesco BOTTALICO
Abstract : The food arena, which is at the interface of different economic sectors, is characterised by the presence of numerous actors with often different and even competing agendas. This is exacerbated by the lack of a deep and common understanding of the issues at play and their interdependencies. The review paper aims at highlighting the multifaceted and multidimensional relations and linkages between food and nutrition security, diets and food systems in the context of sustainability. The paper addresses also other issues, which are relevant in sustainable food systems context, such as sustainable consumption and production, typical and traditional foods, and food losses and waste. Food security is built on four pillars: availability, access, use, and stability. It is strongly linked to nutrition security. Sustainable diets are environmentally-friendly and contribute to food security and healthy life. The Mediterranean diet, which encompasses a plethora of traditional and typical foods, is considered by many scholars as an example of sustainable diet. Food systems should deliver food security and nutrition for present and future generations that is why all components of food systems should be sustainable, resilient and efficient. Moving towards more sustainable food systems implies also reducing food losses and waste along the food chain. Sustainability should be considered as a dimension of long-term food security. From such a perspective the concept of sustainable diets can play a key role. To address food and nutrition challenges, food systems have to be considered in their entirety, acknowledging the interdependency of consumption and production. These linkages are shown in the global Zero Hunger Challenge initiative and should be highlighted and further operationalized in global food-related strategies (e.g. 10 Year Framework of Programs on Sustainable Food Systems) as well as regional strategies such as the Sustainable Consumption and Production Action Plan for the Mediterranean.
For citation : Capone, R., El Bilali, H., Debs, P., Bottalico, F. (2016): Relations between food and nutrition security, diets and food systems. Agriculture and Forestry, (62)1: 49-58. DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.62.1.05
Keywords : Food and nutrition security, Sustainable diets, Mediterranean diet, Food systems
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