Volume 61, Issue 4

Volume : 61
Issue : 4
Authors : Aleksandra DESPOTOVIC, Miljan JOKSIMOVIC, Ljiljana KASCELAN and Miomir JOVANOVIC
Abstract : Development of social division of labour has caused population to move from agriculture to other fields of activities. Rural areas are again becoming the subject of theoretical discussions, and rural areas are becoming increasingly important living alternative and working option in comparison to cities. Depopulation and deagrarisation appeared as the main limiting factors for rural development in Montenegro, and thus for the Municipality of Pljevlja. These phenomena particularly came to the fore after the Second World War. Industrialization has caused migration from rural areas to the administrative and economic centres. This paper analyzes the reasons for depopulation of rural areas in the Municipality of Pljevlja in the period 1948-2011. In the reporting inter-census period, digressive movement of the rural population was present. Factors causing this phenomenon were: peripheral position of rural areas, deagrarisation which arose for rapid industrialization, lack of quality of rural infrastructure and others. Basic indicators of the demographic and socio-economic development of the municipality are shown. Data show that leaving of rural areas in sixties of the last century had taken on the character of the agricultural exodus. In the period from 1921 to 1961, rural population was the majority (76.28%), while the urban was only 23.72% of the total population of Pljevlja. In the later period, the demographic picture had significantly changed, also according to the population Census of 2011; rural population share in the total population of the municipality was 36.69%. There are 158 villages in the Municipality of Pljevlja, and most of them are villages with 10 to 57 inhabitants. The tendency is to concentrate the rural population in several suburban villages.
For citation : Despotovic, A., Joksimovic, M., Kascelan, Lj. and JOVANOVIC, M. (2015): Causes for depopulation of rural areas in the Municipality of Pljevlja. Agriculture and Forestry, 61(4): 393-407.
Keywords : depopulation, rural areas, Pljevlja, migration
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