Volume 61, Issue 4

Volume : 61
Issue : 4
Authors : Jovan AZDERSKI, Despina POPOVSKA
Abstract : Since the existence of villages and towns, villagers tried to leave their villages and move to town. The rural emigration, i.e. transition of the surplus of rural population to the cities, was mostly conditioned by the scarce and insufficient resources in the villages and the technical level of changes in the production process. In the Republic of Macedonia, the preindustrial urbanization also took place, especially because it was intensified with rural emigration. This relocation of the villagers in Macedonia was not caused only by the poor conditions of life and work in the village, where there were no elementary living conditions and necessary institutions and where the spirit of poverty and hopelessness was dominant, but also there was violence demonstrated by some formal or informal groups in the villages. At the end of the Ottoman rule, and during the rule of the Balkan countries after the partition of Macedonia, the rural population was exposed to a range of unlawful and political torture more than the urban population. This absence of basic security for the dignity of the people was a significant reason for emigration of the peasants to the cities. The transfer of rural population to the cities in the era of rapid industrialization at the same time represents a transition from traditional and rural civilization to industrial, technical and urban civilization. These migrations of peasants are bound to the term rural exodus. The departure of the rural and the agricultural population in the city and in non-agricultural activities is one of the most impressive and most complex phenomena. This process of transformation of the social and economic structure in modern conditions appears to be the necessary accompanying manifestation of the processes of industrialization and urbanization. The aim of this research is to determine the factors of migration and deagrarization and their influence to the overall development. For that purpose, we used the following methods: the inductive-deductive method, then the method of averages and indexes, the comparative method, and at the end, archive and literature sources.
For citation : Azderski, J., Popovska, D., (2015): Causes and consequences of migration and deagrarization in rural areas in the Republic of Macedonia. Agriculture and Forestry, 61(4): 263-269.
Keywords : Migration, deagrarization, rural exodus, rural population
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