Volume 61, Issue 4

Volume : 61
Issue : 4
Authors : Monika STOJANOVA, Blagoj KARAKASHOV
Abstract : In the Republic of Macedonia shiitake mushroom is grown in little spaces. It is used for consummation fresh, as well as processed. From the processed forms widely used is dried mushroom. The mushrooms chemical content has an essential importance for human diet and for the technological process, too. Chemical content of fresh mushrooms is important for choosing the technological processes and for products quality properties. The aim of this research was to determine the differences of the chemical content of both fresh and dried shiitake mushrooms. The quality properties were determined by determining the mechanical and the chemical properties. Research was made in 2013. Drying was made in ventricular drier with heated air. The principle of drying is accurately performed to obtain characteristic odor and appearance of the mushroom. All of determined components have higher values in dried mushrooms, compared with fresh ones. The content of total dry matters is higher in dried mushrooms (92.20%) compared with fresh mushrooms (25.20%). The content of total acids in dried mushrooms is 0.48% and its value in fresh mushrooms is 0.16 %. The content of vitamin C in dried mushrooms is 13.53 mg %, but in the fresh ones is 8.24 mg %. The value of mineral matters is 4.80% in dried and 1.00 % in fresh mushrooms. Drying in ventricular drier is fast method which reduces the necessary water quantity, inactivates the enzymes and reduces microorganism’s metabolism. This is basic principle in product conserving and storage for a longer period.
For citation : Stojanova, M., Karakashov, B. (2015): The influence of drying technology on the chemical content of shiitake mushrooms. Agriculture and Forestry, 61(4): 183-188.
Keywords : mushrooms, ventricular drying, chemical content
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