Volume 61, Issue 4

Volume : 61
Issue : 4
Authors : Svetlana SHEVCHENKO, Irina MITROFANOVA
Abstract : One of the main problems of modern fruit agriculture is creation of new productive apricot cultivars by hybridization method with suitable selection of parent couples with functional gametes. Analysis of male generative sphere development in 25 apricot cultivars demonstrated that they have different quality of pollen grains. The least amount of morphologically proper pollen grains was noticed in cultivars Dionys, Harcot, Mamai thus they should be used as maternal forms. The greatest pollen grains viability is typical for cultivars Ananasny Tsiurupinsky, Krasny Vympel, Magistr and Holovous that are recommended as paternal forms. In the process of parent forms selection flower structure should be considered since flowers with short pistils have undeveloped embryo sacs with undifferentiated egg apparatus. In the flowers with long pistils two ovules are usually, initiated one of which gradually degenerates and the other develops successfully. Under the pollen grains placement on the stigma proper ones enlarge rapidly, pollen tube develops and mitosis of generative cell occurs in it resulted in the formation of two sperms. Pollen tube grows and comes to the embryo sac, pours its content and double fertilization occurs. Using of embryoculture and in vitro cultivation of hybrid embryos on the modified Murashige and Skoog, Gamborg & Eveleigh, Monnier and Quoirin & Lepoivre media gave us possibility to obtain seedlings of 12 breeding combinations. Such complex of investigation methods allows creating new apricot forms for their further use in breeding and propagation processes
For citation : Shevchenko, S., Mitrofanova, I. (2015): Investigation of apricot reproductive structures, creation and propagation of new forms. Agriculture and Forestry, 61(4): 161-167.
Keywords : apricot, new form, generative sphere, embryoculture, in vitro
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