Volume 60, Issue 4

Volume : 60
Issue : 4
Authors : Yalcin KAYA
Abstract : Sunflower a vital crop in Balkan area both for existing as a main crop in rotation and also being as the most preferable and consuming vegetable oil in the region. Eastern Balkan countries Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey exist in top ten sunflower producers in the world. However, Serbia and Moldova exist among important sunflower countries too. Mostly hybrid seeds are planting and broomrape parasite, broad leaf weeds, downy mildew are the main problems in sunflower production area in Balkan Region. However, genetically resistant hybrids are developed and used for broomrape, downy mildew and some other diseases. On the other hand, Clearfield System hybrids having genetically herbicide resistant sunflower hybrids and post applied Imidazolinone (IMI) herbicide controlling both broomrape and the main broad leave weeds effectively increase market share recently in the region. Sunflower production increases in the region due to higher demand for oil crops recently. Even though big increase in both planted areas and seed production in recent years, Turkey is the main importer in the region while other countries such as Romania, Bulgaria, Moldova and Serbia exist among the main sunflower exporter countries in the world. Turkey imports especially sunflower seeds from Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova crushes for domestic needs and also exports Middle Eastern and North African countries mainly. It seems that sunflower keep its position as the main oil crop in the region in the future too.
For citation : Yalcin KAYA (2014): SUNFLOWER PRODUCTION IN BALKAN REGION: CURRENT SITUATION AND FUTURE PROSPECTS. Agriculture & Forestry, Vol. 60 Issue 4: 95-101, 2014, Podgorica
Keywords : Sunflower, Production, Balkan region, Problems, Solutions
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