Volume 59, Issue 2

Volume : 59
Issue : 2
Authors : Slavica PETOVIĆ and Olivera MARKOVIĆ
Abstract : Bottom trawling is very present in the Montenegrin fisheries, primarily in the open sea. When applying this method important processes occur to the seabed, mainly destructive character. Inside the mesh not only the target species can be found but also large amount of non-commercial species of plants and animals. On this way as physical as biological structure of the seabed may be destroyed. The degree of impact depends of the type of gear that is used or the size of the mesh but also of the type of bottom on which the towing is done. Studies have shown muddy substrate as most susceptible to destruction. Raising particles from the bottom has a negative impact on species in the benthic communities. The conducted research has shown that a large percentage of catch belonging to non-edible part. These values range sometimes up to over 50% of the catch. Most of this consists of invertebrates organisms that have not commercial value such as representatives of Echinodermata, Porifera, Bryozoa, Mollusca. Significant amount belong to immature fish specimens that had not reached market size or no market value. Using of demersal trawl is just one way of destruction of the seabed and the life on it. Recently for collecting shellfish is used by dredge. The lack of information about this problem characterizes the Montenegrin fisheries.
For citation : Slavica PETOVIĆ and Olivera MARKOVIĆ (2013): DEGRADATION OF BENTHIC COMMUNITIES USING DEMERSAL TRAWLING. Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. 59. Issue 2: 157-164, 2013, Podgorica. ISSN 0554-5579 (Printed), ISSN 1800-9492 (Online).
Keywords : benthic communities, demersal trawling, Montenegrin coast, discard, biocoenosis of the coastal terrigenous ooze.
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