Year 2022, Volume 68 Issue 1 (31.03.2022)

Year : 2022
Volume : 68
Issue : 1 (31.03.2022)
Authors : Nemanja JALIC, Aleksandar OSTOJIC, Željko VAŠKO
Abstract : This paper aims to apply the methodology of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to prioritize factors and their weighting influence on the attitudes of respondents in wine purchasing decision making. The research was conducted online using the Google forms platform. Primary data were collected from 150 students at the University of Banja Luka during a COVID-19 lock-down in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina in April 2020. Based on the collected responses in Microsoft Excel, the significant rates of the measured purchase factor were calculated. The obtained rates were used as an input variable for the Expert Choice program in which the process of determining the weight influence of attitudes on buying wine was applied. The reasoning process in this paper is based on the fuzzy method in the MATLAB R2016a program which gives a precise answer to the question of how important a given factor is when buying wine. Based on the fuzzy output, it can be concluded that wine quality factors influence the purchase decision by more than 90%. Market factors have a weighting influence on the purchase decision of less than 10%. In terms of wine quality, the most important factor is the taste of the wine, and in terms of market factors, the price.
For citation : Jalic, N., Ostojic, A., Vaško, Ž. (2022): The AHP quantification of student population attitudes in wine purchasing. Agriculture and Forestry, 68 (1): 207-217. doi:10.17707/AgricultForest.68.1.13
Keywords : wine, student population, attitudes, AHP method, Fuzzy logic
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