Year 2021, Volume 67 Issue 2 (30.06.2021)

Year : 2021
Volume : 67
Issue : 2 (30.06.2021)
Authors : Goran SKATARIC, Branislav VLAHOVIC, Dubravka UZAR, Velibor SPALEVIC and Rajko NOVICEVIC
Abstract : Due to increasing environmental problems, environmental management is becoming a challenge and a necessity in the modern world today. Negative consequences of human behavior are increasingly being observed. These reasons have led to environmental changes and consumer awareness of the impact they may have on environmental conservation. Green marketing has raised consumer awareness of how their behavior can have a positive impact on the environment. Various environmental changes affect consumer behavior, so it is imperative that all factors be monitored continuously to meet consumer demands. The main aim of the paper is to research the attitudes and opinions of the respondents on the importance of green food, how green marketing affects the sustainability and use of green food products. The survey was completed in 2019 on a sample of 100 respondents exclusively on the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Research results generally show that consumers are not sufficiently familiar with the term green marketing. The analysis shows that they know what a green product is, but that they cannot easily recognize it in the market, and that they do not buy it sufficiently to preserve the environment.
For citation : Skataric, G., Vlahovic, B., Uzar, D., Spalevic, V. and Novicevic, R. (2021): The influence of green marketing on consumer environmental awareness. Agriculture and Forestry, 67 (2): 21-36
Keywords : Green Marketing, Consumers, Food Products, Environmental Awareness
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