Year 2019, Volume 65 Issue 1 (31.03.2019)

Year : 2019
Volume : 65
Issue : 1 (31.03.2019)
Authors : Nikola RAKAŠČAN, Gordana DRAŽIĆ, Ljubiša ŽIVANOVIĆ, Jela IKANOVIĆ, Zoran JOVOVIĆ, Miloš LONČAR, Radmila BOJOVIĆ and Vera POPOVIĆ
Abstract : Due to the dominant role in world nutrition, wheat was given the character of a strategic product. Its participation in human nutrition is gradually decreasing in developed countries where changes in the nutrition structure have prioritized animal proteins. However, in underdeveloped countries where the phenomenon of hunger is present in a severe form, the main tendency is to provide a sufficient amount of it for the needs of the population's diet. The paper examines the influence of genotype/variety and site on winter wheat yield components: length of ears, number of spikelets in the spike, number of grains in the spike and mass of grains per spike, during 2016/17. The tested factors exhibited a different impact and a strong intensity of influence on the parameters covered by the research. The cultivation site had a statistically significant influence on the length of the ear (spike), the number of spikelets in the spike and the number of grains in the spike. Within the wheat yield components, the factor of the genotype / variety had higher influence on the length of the spike. The genotype G2 had a longer spike (8.62 cm), the number of spikelets in the spike (18.30), the number of grains in the spike (42.58), and the grain weight per spike (1.57).
For citation : Rakaščan, N., Dražić, G., Živanović, L., Ikanović, J., Jovović, Z., Lončar, M., Bojović, R., Popović, V. (2019): Effect of genotypes and locations on wheat yield components. Agriculture and Forestry, 65 (1): 233-242. DOI:10.17707/AgricultForest.65.1.23
Keywords : wheat, variety, locality, yield components, correlations
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