Year 2019, Volume 65 Issue 1 (31.03.2019)

Year : 2019
Volume : 65
Issue : 1 (31.03.2019)
Authors : Aleksandar SIMIĆ, Željko DŽELETOVIĆ, Savo VUČKOVIĆ, Muamer BEZDROB, Marija ĆOSIĆ, Gordana ANDREJIĆ, Hakan GEREN
Abstract : Extensively managed natural grasslands are predominant in Central Balkan countries (Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia) and the productivity of these communities is extremely low in general. Beside main limitations in grassland productivity, such as strongly acidic soils, organic matter fluctuations, high variability in phosphorus content, some soils were developed on bedrocks with potentially high heavy metal content. The researches were conducted in 2016 and 2017 on representative grasslands in three countries, mainly on Agrostietum capillaris type of community. There were five study sites in Montenegro, two in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and six in Serbia in mountainous region. We analysed nutritive status of the topsoil samples collected in summer in each study site, as well as possible presence of heavy metals (Ni, Cd, Pb and Cr) in the soil. The experimental fields were cut once in the time of inflorescences formation of the dominant grasses and the total concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Ni, Cd and Cr) in the samples of plant material were determined. In all study sites soil pH was acidic, with low P content, except in a certain site in Bosnia. Generally, the soils were low productive, but according to Regulation of tolerant amount of hazardous and toxic materials in soil, there were not surpassed maximum permissible concentrations of Ni, Cd, Pb and Cr in Montenegro and Bosnia, while in some sites in Serbia very high concentrations of Ni and Cr were observed. Although some elements exceeded maximum permissible amount for soil and water, the ability of plants collected from the Agrostietum capillaris communities to accumulate heavy metals was generally low. It could be explained by the physiology of dominant plant species (grasses), which influenced relatively low uptake and generally low accumulation of micronutrients.
For citation : Simić, A., Dželetović, Ž., Vučković, S., Bezdrob, M., Ćosić, M., Andrejić, G., Geren, H. (2019): Heavy metal uptake by grasslands developed in a degraded soil in Central Balkans. Agriculture and Forestry, 65 (1): 07-17. DOI:10.17707/AgricultForest.65.1.01
Keywords : Agrostietum capillaris, Central Balkans, degraded soil, heavy metals
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