Year 2017, Volume 63 Issue 2 (30.06.2017)

Year : 2017
Volume : 63
Issue : 2 (30.06.2017)
Authors : Zeljko LAKIC, Ljubisa ZIVANOVIC, Slobodan POPOVIC
Title : Productivity of spring forage pea (Pisum sativum) in divergent agroecological conditions
Abstract : Spring forage pea varieties represent a broad source of genes for the desirable properties, especially those related to abiotic and biotic stress, that can be inserted into the existing varieties. Studies showed that a variety-line-hybrid had the greater impact on the expression of production and morphological traits in relation to the vegetation period. The factor of years did not had the same impact on the expression of each production and morphological traits. Statistically significant impact on the plant height had the genotype and genotype x year interaction. It was noticed that this phenotypical characteristic vary in a wide range between 71.00 cm in Baccara genotype to 146 cm in Saša genotype. The genotype and genotype x year interaction had a statistically significant impact on the pod length. Studies showed that the genotype and G x Y interaction had a statistically significant impact on the seed yield per plant. Baccara genotype had a statistically significant higher average seed yield per plant compared to the line L-CC. The correlative relation of production and morphological traits has manifested in varying degrees. Strong positive correlation was recorded between the grain weight per plant and pod length (r = 0.53 **), then between the grain weight and pod weight per plant (r = 0.87 **), and grain weight and pod length (r = 0.47*). The wide mutual variability of the most important characteristic may be extremely beneficial for the existing varieties, due to the narrow genetic base.
For citation : Lakić Ž., Živanović Lj., Popović S., (2017) Productivity of spring forage pea (Pisum sativum) in divergent agroecological conditions, Agriculture and Forestry, 63 (2): 83-95. DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.63.2.07
Keywords : Fabaceae, spring forage pea, plant breeding, production and morphological traits, correlation.
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