Year 2016, Volume 62 Issue 4 (15.12.2016)

Year : 2016
Volume : 62
Issue : 4 (15.12.2016)
Authors : Aleksandra DESPOTOVIĆ, Miljan JOKSIMOVIĆ and Miomir JOVANOVIĆ
Abstract : Rural areas are consisted of areas around city settlements inhibited by rural population, whose main activity is agriculture. Rural tourism is developing in areas where natural environment is preserved and where local community with its culture and cultural heritage exists. Agrotourism is a form of rural tourism, which includes the stay of tourists in rural areas and gives them the opportunity to actively participate in the life and work on the farm. Montenegro is abundant in areas of exceptional value that represent real environmental oases. Such regions are featured by traditional culture and diversity of the cultural heritage. On the other hand, rural areas are affected by the process of "discharge" and "dying" of villages. The process of industrialization after World War II caused depopulation and deagrarisation. These are the most significant socio-economic changes in Montenegro, which have left a negative impact on rural development. Economic purpose of agroturism is reflected in the activation of the agricultural population, and in linking agricultural production with tourism. Its role is also important in order to decrease the population migrations from the countryside. Human factor plays an important role regarding the development of agrotourism activities. Human resources imply knowledge, experience, creativity, innovation and ability of individuals focussed on the advancement of society, and in their need to constantly invest (Ðerčan, Bubalo Živković and Lukić, 2010 a). Agrotourism is an opportunity for overcoming regional differences in Montenegro and revitalization of villages in the northern part of Montenegro. The paper analyzes the social economic conditions for development of agroturism in Montenegro. The focus is on the northern part of Montenegro on the ground of the existence of natural resources on the one hand and the lack of socio-economic conditions on the other. Development of agroturism is observed from the standpoint of improving the quality of life and improvement of agricultural production on family farms. The popularity and demand of tourists to stay in conditions of untouched nature provides an opportunity for rural areas in the north of Montenegro to adequately valorise their natural resources. In 2009, Author Ružić, points out that the rural forms of tourism valorise all those values that rural areas provide to the modern man, such as return to the natural values, agricultural environments, depressurisation from the stresses of urban areas and etc.
For citation : Despotovic A., Joksimovic M., Jovanovic M. (2016): Socio-economic development requirements for agrotourism in Montenegro Agriculture and Forestry, 62 (4): 277-286. DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.62.4.28
Keywords : Rural areas, agroturism, socio-economic prerequisites, regional development
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