Year 2015, Volume 61 Issue 1

Year : 2015
Volume : 61
Issue : 1
Authors : Stanislaw MINTA
Abstract : Regional products are cultural richness of states and nations, but in many cases, are undervalued in the local market. Food products in the region can play an important role in building local identity, and their sale is the ability to obtain additional income for farmers and rural residents. This means that they are important for the development of rural areas. This study is based on primary sources. Data were collected using the method of direct interview with the research questionnaire. The research had local character. As a place of research has been selected region of Sudeten Mountain (south-western Poland), where a group of farmers wanted to launch a new regional product called “Sudeten Beef”. The aim of the study was to determine whether potential consumers are interested in such a product and that its acceptance is different between a group of tourists and a group of local residents. Total number of respondents was 219. The obtained results allowed determining that there is strong interest in such a product on demand side of market. It was also found that there is no importance whether the responses gave local residents or visitors to the area covered by the study.
For citation : Stanislaw MINTA. REGIONAL FOOD PRODUCTS: ONLY FOR TOURISTS OR ALSO FOR RESIDENTS. Agriculture & Forestry, Vol. 61 Issue 1: 51-58, 2015, Podgorica
Keywords : regional product, food, alternative food supply, rural development.
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