Year 2013, Volume 59 Issue 4

Year : 2013
Volume : 59
Issue : 4
Authors : Ilija ÐORÐEVIĆ, Nenad RANKOVIĆ, Ljiljana KEČA
Abstract : Protected areas represent one of the most important natural resources of one country. Their management is of key importance and depends on national legislation that regulates establishment, financing and use of these good. Protected areas covers ~5.89 % of territory of Serbia while national parks involve ~30.57% of this land. Importance of national parks, related to ecological, social and economic feature, is very high since they include important natural ecosystems, landscapes and cultural features and their usage is oriented toward sustainable management. This research analyses different revenue structures in managing NPs as well as approaches in the financing in the region and abroad. The objective of the article is the structure of revenues in the financing five national parks in Serbia. Territorial framework of the research is the Republic of Serbia with the autonomous provinces. In order to determine the structure of revenues in the financing, statistical techniques based on analysis of time series is used. Non-reactive method is used for collection of data’s. Results are showing that most of revenues are coming from incomes of sales and services, while least from other business revenues. Share of budget grants has increased and in 2012 is showing the highest involvement comparing to other years. The best average exponential trend has national park “Fruška gora” while national park “Ðerdap” has negative exponential trend. Based on this, in all national parks, on revenue structure mostly influence revenues from sales of goods and fees.
For citation : Ilija ÐORÐEVIĆ, Nenad RANKOVIĆ, Ljiljana KEČA (2013): STRUCTURE OF FINANCING REVENUES (2008-2012) OF NATIONAL PARKS IN REPUBLIC OF SERBIA. Agriculture & Forestry, Vol. 59. Issue 4: 173-183, 2013, Podgorica
Keywords : Serbia, protected area, financing, income, revenues, sources
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