Year 2012, Volume 58 Issue 3

Year : 2012
Volume : 58
Issue : 3
Authors : Klementina PUTO
Abstract : The Erzeni River flows to a length 109 km, traversing the regions of Tirana and Durrës, with an area of 760 km2 and finally flows into the Adriatic Sea. In this way, the physical, chemical and biological qualities of the river water are present in the agricultural activity of these regions. Often the agricultural products, as a result of the microbial contamination and pathogens in them, have an impact on public health as a result of certain diseases originating from contaminated foods. The microbial quality of the water used for irrigation in agriculture, and especially that used for fresh vegetables, is important to monitor. The poor quality of the river water used for irrigation is one of the reasons for the presence of microbial pathogens in fresh vegetables such as salad vegetables, tomatoes and onions. The microorganisms present in these products come mainly from the agricultural land and irrigation water. In this paper, the presence of microbial pathogens (faecal coliforms), and the influence of the physical and chemical factors, at seven points along the Erzeni River during 2011 have been analysed. Also, in three of these points the influence of the river water used for irrigation in salad vegetables was analysed. From this, the results showed that the river water was mostly polluted by faecal coliforms (CF) above the numbers allowed by the international norms. This is because of the untreated river water in two major regions: Tirana and Durrës. Also, there is an impact from the microbial contamination of the contaminated soil caused by the misuse of manure and nitrates, keeping cattle along the river, and from pets, etc. Consequently, the salad vegetables irrigated by the river water are very polluted by microbial pathogens, specifically CF. Microbial contamination at levels 3-4 times the permitted levels of urban pollution requires treatment and continuous monitoring of the river water as one of the immediate tasks having an impact on public health.
For citation : Klementina PUTO (2012): IMPACT OF THE WATER QUALITY OF THE ERZENI RIVER ON THE MICROBIAL SAFETY OF FRESH VEGETABLES. Agriculture & Forestry, Vol. 58. Issue 3: 149-161, 2012, Podgorica. ISSN 0554-5579 (Printed) 1800-9492 (Online).
Keywords : fresh vegetables, microbial safety, coliforms
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