Year 2010, Volume 56 Issue 1-4

Year : 2010
Volume : 56
Issue : 1-4
Authors : Agriculture and Forestry
Title : Front page
Abstract : The "Agriculture and Forestry" journal publishes reviews of scientific and expert papers on agriculture, rural development, veterinary medicine, forestry, and biology. It is the endeavour of the journal to give place to papers of high scientific quality and international interest, authored by all the scientists from the region, as well as other international scientist in order to stimulate contacts and exchange of knowledge fostering scientific productivity.
For citation : Agriculture & Forestry, Vol 56. (10), 1-4: 1-97, Podgorica, 2012.
Keywords : Agriculture, Forestry, journal, scientific papers, rural development, veterinary medicine, forestry, biology, international interest, exchange of knowledge, scientific productivity.
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